Gift Card
Gift Card

Satisfaction Guarantee

If you don't love your order, e-mail us and we'll fix any issue to make it right.

Soft, Comfortable Material

We traveled the world to find the best yarn to make our products. We're proud to bring that to your door.

Printed in the U.S.A.

We're based in Atlanta, GA and are really proud of it -- we're not a mysterious overseas internet company and we're happy to offer top-notch customer service and a quality product.

Lightning Fast Shipping

It's a custom item, but who cares? You want your order, and we're not here to waste time. Place your order now, and it'll go out our doors quick.

Gift Card


Select Your Gift Card Value:

Give the gift of puppy love! Let your friends and family pick out their own photo and choose from our variety of products with a gift card. Choose an amount and we’ll send an e-gift card to whomever you choose

Please note: E-Gift Cards are sent electronically