Custom PupSocks™
Custom PupSocks™
Custom PupSocks™
Custom PupSocks™
Custom PupSocks™
Custom PupSocks™
Custom PupSocks™
Custom PupSocks™
Custom PupSocks™
Custom PupSocks™
Custom PupSocks™
Custom PupSocks™

Satisfaction Guarantee

If you don't love your order, e-mail us within 90 days and we'll reprint it to make it right!

Soft, Comfortable Material

We traveled the world to find the best yarn to make our products. We're proud to bring that to your door.

Printed in the U.S.A.

We're based in Atlanta, GA and are really proud of it -- we're not a mysterious overseas internet company and we're happy to offer top-notch customer service and a quality product.

Lightning Fast Shipping

Custom items take extra care to get right, but we know you want your order, so we do our best to get them in your hands as quickly as possible. In some rare cases, shipments can take up to 30 days to be delivered. 

Custom PupSocks™



Time is running out to get this offer!



Fits Women’s 5-13 and Men’s 5-13

Face Count
Choose A Style

Calling all pup parents! You can’t always take your dog everywhere, but you can wear DogSocks all the time. You’re welcome.

Only the face of your subject will be included on the sock. Any special requests can be listed in the notes. We cannot guarantee all special requests.

Material: 60% Polyester, 10% Acrylic, 25% Nylon, 5% Spandex